REIKI - 60min
Reiki is a Japanese healing method that uses the energy around us, one to one sessions
What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese healing method that uses the energy around us. The literal translation of Reiki is “power of the sun”, but if you look at the Japanese explanation, Rei means “universal” and Ki “life energy”. In other words, Reiki is Universal life energy. A practitioner has learned to work with and direct this energy. Reiki ensures that the natural balance in the body is restored. What does a treatment look like? Before each treatment, Nicole will have a short intake interview with you. What are your complaints? Are they physical or mental? What are your wishes and needs? During each treatment, you will take a seat on the treatment table with Nicole. You will keep your clothes on. Clothing is no obstacle to receiving the energy. It is nice to wear comfortable clothing during a treatment. By placing her hands on various places on the body (head, neck, stomach, back, legs, knees, feet), the energy can flow through her hands into your body. Would you rather not be touched? Please indicate this, because I can also hold my hands a few centimeters above your body. Each treatment can be experienced differently. One person feels the energy as warmth or as (muscle) vibrations, and another person does not notice it at all at the same time, but only one or two days later. Reiki ensures that you relax physically and mentally and strengthens the self-healing capacity of our body. You become calmer, clearer and often feel more vital. Reiki also never works on the symptoms alone. With each treatment, the body and mind are treated together, which means that the underlying causes of the problem are often also addressed. You can still experience Reiki best by experiencing it yourself. So do not hesitate and make an appointment with me. /Nicole Please don't hesitate to contact Nicole directly if you have any further questions.
Kommende økter
Avbestilling av reserverte drop in-timer må skje senest 2 timer før timen begynner. Timer som ikke benyttes/ikke avbestilles innen denne fristen, vil bli trukket med 1 klipp/1 dag. Privat- og bedriftstimer må avbestilles 24 timer før avtalt tid. Ved avbestilling senere enn dette vil man bli fakturert for hele beløpet. Vilkår for avbestilling av workshoper og kurs: Etter at du har mottatt påmeldingsbekreftelsen, og vi har belastet kortet ditt, er påmeldingen din bindende, dvs at kursavgiften IKKE blir refundert annet enn ved avlyst kurs/workshop. Trysil Yoga tar forbehold om endringer i kursplanen. Trysil Yoga kan avlyse kurs/workshoper med for få påmeldte elever, påmeldte elever vil da få tilbud om nytt kurs eller refundert kursavgift. Angrerettloven gir deg rett til å angre ditt kjøp ved netthandel. Angreretten gjelder kun for fysiske varer men ikke for påmelding til kurs, klippekort eller workshoper.
Storvegen 41, Trysil, Norge
0047 93002126