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Cacao Ceremony

New Beginnings in Community

450 norske kroner


Join us as we gather to honor the Spring Equinox and the Aries New Moon—a time of balance, renewal, and bold transformation. The equinox marks the moment when day and night are in perfect harmony, inviting us to release the stillness of winter and embrace the blossoming energy of spring. Aries energy fuels this renewal, encouraging us to take inspired action and step into our courage as we plant the seeds for new beginnings. In this sacred space, we will: 🌿 Share ceremonial cacao, calling on its heart-opening spirit. 🌿 Meditate to align with the fresh energy of the New Moon. 🌿 Embark on a shamanic journey to connect with Imox, the energy of water, which teaches us to flow, expand, and break old structures that no longer serve us. Imox energy reminds us of the unstoppable power of water. It calls us to trust our instincts, embrace change, and move forward with strength and adaptability. This day invites us to honor water’s teachings and incorporate its vitality into our lives, letting it guide us through the transitions of the season. Who I Am I am deeply passionate about guiding others on their journeys of transformation, particularly women stepping into their power and authenticity. As a Colombian woman with roots in ancient traditions and the wisdom of teachers from Mexico and Guatemala, I hold these practices close to my heart. My work is dedicated to creating sacred spaces for connection, growth, and healing. This ceremony is hosted in collaboration with Trysil Yoga & Adventure, a yoga studio in the heart of Trysil. They offer open yoga classes, courses, workshops, and more, fostering a community dedicated to cultivating balance, presence, and connection. 📍 Details Date: Saturday, March 29th Location: Trysil Yoga Time: 14:00 - 16:30 Price: 450 kr Bring an open heart, a journal, and any small offerings for the altar (flowers, stones, or personal tokens). Let’s come together to celebrate this season of courage, renewal, and community. 🌺 With love, Ana

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Avbestilling av reserverte drop in-timer må skje senest 2 timer før timen begynner. Timer som ikke benyttes/ikke avbestilles innen denne fristen, vil bli trukket med 1 klipp/1 dag. Privat- og bedriftstimer må avbestilles 24 timer før avtalt tid. Ved avbestilling senere enn dette vil man bli fakturert for hele beløpet. Vilkår for avbestilling av workshoper og kurs: Etter at du har mottatt påmeldingsbekreftelsen, og vi har belastet kortet ditt, er påmeldingen din bindende, dvs at kursavgiften IKKE blir refundert annet enn ved avlyst kurs/workshop. Trysil Yoga tar forbehold om endringer i kursplanen. Trysil Yoga kan avlyse kurs/workshoper med for få påmeldte elever, påmeldte elever vil da få tilbud om nytt kurs eller refundert kursavgift. Angrerettloven gir deg rett til å angre ditt kjøp ved netthandel. Angreretten gjelder kun for fysiske varer men ikke for påmelding til kurs, klippekort eller workshoper.


  • Storvegen 41, Trysil, Norge

    0047 93002126

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