Autumn Equinox Ceremony (Høstjevndøgn)
This is a time for letting go and transformation
Welcome to the Autumn Equinox Ceremony (Høstjevndøgn) During the Autumn Equinox, the sun is balanced between day and night, light and darkness. After this, the sun embarks on the final part of the yearly cycle. This is a time for letting go and transformation, where we release old habits and thought patterns and prepare for renewal and the quiet time of winter. We are invited to embrace change and remain open to growth and new possibilities. Together, we create a sacred space where we can turn inward, recognize what still serves us and release what no longer supports us. We will begin with a smudging ritual and meditation, then using stones from nature that each of us has brought, create a spiral. This spiral, along with the energy of the sun, will support us on our journey inward. About Christian: One of my main interests is exploring how we can connect with nature and natural rhythms to maintain balance in our lives and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. Knowledge and wisdom from indigenous traditions have helped me rediscover my connection to all that exists and I enjoy sharing this knowledge. The ceremony will be conducted either in Norwegian or English, depending on the participants. I am looking forward to meet you there! /Christian
Kommende økter
Avbestilling av reserverte drop in-timer må skje senest 2 timer før timen begynner. Timer som ikke benyttes/ikke avbestilles innen denne fristen, vil bli trukket med 1 klipp/1 dag. Privat- og bedriftstimer må avbestilles 24 timer før avtalt tid. Ved avbestilling senere enn dette vil man bli fakturert for hele beløpet. Vilkår for avbestilling av workshoper og kurs: Etter at du har mottatt påmeldingsbekreftelsen, og vi har belastet kortet ditt, er påmeldingen din bindende, dvs at kursavgiften IKKE blir refundert annet enn ved avlyst kurs/workshop. Trysil Yoga tar forbehold om endringer i kursplanen. Trysil Yoga kan avlyse kurs/workshoper med for få påmeldte elever, påmeldte elever vil da få tilbud om nytt kurs eller refundert kursavgift. Angrerettloven gir deg rett til å angre ditt kjøp ved netthandel. Angreretten gjelder kun for fysiske varer men ikke for påmelding til kurs, klippekort eller workshoper.
Storvegen 41, Trysil, Norge
0047 93002126